A Typical Day in My Life – Faith, Family, Freedom
What exactly does it mean to have more time, more money and more freedom to enjoy your life?
In my world a typical day for me unfolds based upon my core beliefs, which create my foundation.
These include faith, family and freedom.
Faith – every day the first thing I do when I awaken is engage in quiet time. I believe that Jesus Christ is my personal savior, and that faith is strengthened by spending time quietly reading and studying my bible. I like to begin my day this way, reflecting on God’s word and praying for my wife, my family, my colleagues, patients and friends.
Family – my wife, Janie, and I have been married since 1968, when we eloped right after graduation. We live in a wonderful home with our dog, Winston, and are enjoying this time of our lives.
Our children are all married with children of their own. Only one son and his wife and three daughters live out of town. The rest of them are all within a few miles of our home. We call our home Club Hotze, because with a pool and a large putting green out back, our kids and their 23 children frequently stop in to say ‘hi’ and to visit, which we love.
Janie and I have recently begun delving into intermittent fasting along with a ketogenic style of eating. This has become a great eating lifestyle for us because it is easy to maintain our ideal body weight while still enjoying the satisfaction that comes with eating plenty of healthy fat and protein. If you are having difficulty losing weight, you might consider this too.
Freedom – liberty comes in many forms, in medicine, in finances, in lifestyle and in the civil government arena. Outside of medicine, I am passionate about restoring our country to its biblical foundation. I have been involved in politics since serving as student body President during my high school years at St. Thomas in Houston. As an adult, I am the head of several conservative, Republican political action committees and organizations. We work year around to get the most conservative individuals elected to positions on the ballot.
Time Management Hotze Style
One of the benefits of practicing medicine the way I do is that I have complete control over my time. It hasn’t always been this way. But in the late 1990s I read Michael Gerber’s book, The E-Myth, Revisited. He talked about working on the business, not in the business. This resonated with me and I wrote down a goal to be out of the day to day management of patients within five years. It took me six, but once I adopted his concepts, developing systems and procedures to run my medical practice, I was able to hire others to work in the practice, which freed me up to enjoy being the entrepreneur.
Because I often work on politics till the wee hours of the morning, this allows me to come and go as I please. On a typical day, I might roll into the office around 10 AM, work on something that is important to me, and leave the office around 6:30 PM.
I have an entourage of people who diligently schedule my comings and goings, but if I decide to sleep in, I can. If I want to travel, I do. If I want to work until 1 AM on medical research or political fundraising, bring it on! Again, this is only possible because I planned for it to occur.
By leveraging my knowledge and experience by teaching other doctors on staff to do what I used to do, I have been able to trade that for time freedom, and for more money, as well.
Speaking of more money….
Money is just the byproduct of offering people something of value, namely a solution they have been unable to find elsewhere.
John 10:10 documents that Jesus stated “…I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.” Obviously, an abundant life is about more than just money, and stems from time freedom, from the satisfaction that comes with working purposefully towards meaningful goals. Abundance is the rewards inherent in helping people get their lives back. Having said that, a medical practice like mine affords me the money I need to live my life as I have designed it.
Scarcity mindsets belong to those who have transferred their doctor -patient relationship to an insurance company, the federal government or hospitals.
Which leads me to “More Freedom”….
We take freedom for granted, wouldn’t you agree? Talking about ‘freedom,’ I have:
Freedom from Insurance
Freedom from Pharmaceutical drugs
Freedom from Collections
Freedom from hospital rounds
Freedom from Peer Review Committees
And I also enjoy:
Freedom to enjoy spending time with patients, I call them guests
Freedom to enjoy nights and weekends to do what I want to do, not what my medical practice REQUIRES me to do.
Freedom to take long, relaxing trips with my family
Freedom to help my patients transform their lives
Freedom to create new businesses to bring even more value to the world.
Annunciating all of the freedom that my medical practice and my ancillary businesses afford me is humbling. God has given me tremendous opportunity, and sharing this with you helps remind me that I am living such a blessed, abundant life.
I want that for you and that, my friends, is what Hotze Elite Physicians is all about.
You need a coach, to help you build a successful medical practice so that you can have more time, more money and more freedom to enjoy your life.
It would be a privilege to serve you.