Before and After – My Story
There is an old saying that when you love what you do, you never have to work again. This is how I feel about my medical practice today but it has not always been the case.
Let me explain.
Just like you, I graduated from medical school, brimming with enthusiasm for the career that would enable me to heal thousands of people and improve their quality of life. I couldn’t wait to roll up my sleeves and get started, especially since by that time, in 1976, I already had 4 of my 8 children and my wife to support!
Throughout the latter part of the 1970s and into the 1980s, I gamely did what you and others in general medicine do, treating sometimes more than a hundred patients a day, handing out prescriptions right and left.
There was a problem, though.
Prescriptions never really solved my patients’ underlying problems. I also felt stuck in an unsatisfying, pressure-filled, paycheck-to-paycheck practice. My dad had cautioned me, on the night of my medical school graduation, “not to poison my patients with drugs like all the other doctors did.” His words haunted me, and I realized that I had become completely disillusioned with my choice of careers.
I remember getting down on my knees with my wife, Janie, and praying to God for a new direction, a new career that would provide a living for my family and would be something that I could enjoy.
Then, everything changed.
Through God’s divine providence, I attended an allergy seminar, and heard for the first time, how to get patients well. This was the new path that God had for me, and I embraced it.
It took persistence, diligence and time, however, over the next few years I began to build the rewarding, fulfilling practice about which I had dreamed. I learned to easily integrate the treatment of low thyroid conditions, hormonal imbalance and decline, and nutritional deficiencies into a comprehensive regimen that works. All of this, and I was able to transition to a cash based medical practice!
Today, my practice has been transformed. People get their lives back when their health is fully restored. And they love to share their stories with me. Now, I work on the medical practice, and rarely, in the medical practice. It looks 180 degrees different than my first, unfulfilling practice.
Now, through Hotze Elite Physicians, I am leading a wellness revolution, encouraging you and other physicians, to “Do a 180,” revitalize your medical practice, increase your income and recapture your enthusiasm for your career.
When you are ready, contact me at